digitec connect Mailing
DE Für digitec connect haben wir uns im Team entschlossen, das Handy-Abo via Postversand zu bewerben. Dabei habe ich verschiedene Varianten exploriert. Entschieden haben wir uns für die Selfmailer, da diese Art der Werbung klar und schnell das «Produkt» vermittelt.
Die Selfmailer wurden im deutschsprachigen Raum an über 25'000 Haushalten versendet.
EN For digitec connect, we decided as a team to advertise the cell phone subscription by mail. I explored a number of different options. We decided on self-mailers because this type of advertising communicates the "product" clearly and quickly.
The self-mailers were sent to over 25,000 households in German-speaking countries.
︎︎︎ Adobe Illustrator
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
Die Selfmailer wurden im deutschsprachigen Raum an über 25'000 Haushalten versendet.
EN For digitec connect, we decided as a team to advertise the cell phone subscription by mail. I explored a number of different options. We decided on self-mailers because this type of advertising communicates the "product" clearly and quickly.
The self-mailers were sent to over 25,000 households in German-speaking countries.
︎︎︎ Adobe Illustrator
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
digitec connect OHH
DE Seit 2021 bietet Digitec mit «Digitec connect» ein eigenes Handy-Abo an. Bis jetzt weiss das aber nicht jeder, weil das Angebot im Vergleich zur denen anderer Anbieter bisher nicht mit grossen Kampagnen, sondern vor allem über die Digitec-eigenen Kanäle kommuniziert wurde.
Diesen Umstand haben wir in der neuen Kampagne pointiert zunutze gemacht, um auf das aktuelle Flat-Abo-Angebot für 20 Franken hinzuweisen. Die Sujets zeigen Stereotypen sportlicher Testimonials, wie man sie mitunter aus der Telko-Branche kennt – jedoch mit dem Digitec-Angebot als prominent platziertem Störer auf dem Gesicht. Die Kampagnenzeile dazu: «Was wir beim Promi sparen, sparst du beim Handy-Abo.»
EN Digitec has been offering its own cell phone subscription, "Digitec connect," since 2021. Until now, however, not everyone has been aware of this because the offer, compared to those of other providers, has not been communicated with large campaigns, but primarily via Digitec's own channels.
We took advantage of this fact in the new campaign to draw attention to the current flat-rate subscription offer for 20 francs. The subjects show stereotypes of sporty testimonials, as they are sometimes known from the telco industry - but with the Digitec offer as a prominently placed disruptor on the face. The campaign line: "What we save on the celebrity, you save on the cell phone subscription.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Illustrator
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Figma
Diesen Umstand haben wir in der neuen Kampagne pointiert zunutze gemacht, um auf das aktuelle Flat-Abo-Angebot für 20 Franken hinzuweisen. Die Sujets zeigen Stereotypen sportlicher Testimonials, wie man sie mitunter aus der Telko-Branche kennt – jedoch mit dem Digitec-Angebot als prominent platziertem Störer auf dem Gesicht. Die Kampagnenzeile dazu: «Was wir beim Promi sparen, sparst du beim Handy-Abo.»
EN Digitec has been offering its own cell phone subscription, "Digitec connect," since 2021. Until now, however, not everyone has been aware of this because the offer, compared to those of other providers, has not been communicated with large campaigns, but primarily via Digitec's own channels.
We took advantage of this fact in the new campaign to draw attention to the current flat-rate subscription offer for 20 francs. The subjects show stereotypes of sporty testimonials, as they are sometimes known from the telco industry - but with the Digitec offer as a prominently placed disruptor on the face. The campaign line: "What we save on the celebrity, you save on the cell phone subscription.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Illustrator
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Figma
DE Für Lego durfte ich AD Carousels sowie eine Instagram Animation erstellen, um auf ihre Sommerangebote aufmerksam zu machen.
EN For Lego, I got to create AD Carousels as well as an Instagram animation to draw attention to their summer offerings.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Figma
Paketbeilage / Package insert
DE Für die Pakete im September 2021 durfte ich die Paketbeilagen erstellen. Als Ansporn dienten folgende Themen: Jagd, Vergänglichkeit, Leiterspiel und Horoskop. Nachdem ich alle vier Ideen skizzenartig dargestellt hatte, entschieden wir uns für das Leiterspiel. Entstanden sind 3 Versionen (als Faltplakat). Eine auf Französisch, eine auf Deutsch und eine Version für Galaxus Deutschland.
EN For the September 2021 packages, I was allowed to create the package inserts. The following themes served as an incentive: Hunting, Transience, Ladder Game and Horoscope. After I had sketched all four ideas, we decided on the ladder game. The result was 3 versions (as a folding poster). One in French, one in German and one version for Galaxus Germany.
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesgin
︎︎︎ Figma
EN For the September 2021 packages, I was allowed to create the package inserts. The following themes served as an incentive: Hunting, Transience, Ladder Game and Horoscope. After I had sketched all four ideas, we decided on the ladder game. The result was 3 versions (as a folding poster). One in French, one in German and one version for Galaxus Germany.
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesgin
︎︎︎ Figma
DE Die drei Spots der Digitec TVC Kampagne liefen vom 10. Mai bis am 6. Juni 2021 über die Schweizer TV-Bildschirme, im Kino und auf den Social-Media-Kanälen. Bei dieser Durchführung erzählte Digitec drei Geschichten aus Sicht der Produkte und taucht in unterschiedliche Kundenwelten ein. Ich war verantwortlich für die Erstellung der Animationen sowie der Untertitel.
EN The three spots of the Digitec TVC campaign ran from May 10 to June 6, 2021 across Swiss TV screens, in cinemas and on social media channels. In this execution, Digitec told three stories from the products' point of view and dives into different customer worlds. I was responsible for creating the animations as well as the subtitles.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Figma
EN The three spots of the Digitec TVC campaign ran from May 10 to June 6, 2021 across Swiss TV screens, in cinemas and on social media channels. In this execution, Digitec told three stories from the products' point of view and dives into different customer worlds. I was responsible for creating the animations as well as the subtitles.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Figma
Galaxus OHH
DE Für die Out of Home Kampagne von Galaxus inszenierten wir Sommer-Produkte und überraschten mit originellen Artikeln wie Angelköder, Glacelöffel, Ketchup-Flasche und Feldstecher. Mit den ausgewählten Produkten, die nicht alltäglich sind, sollte die Sortimentsbreite aufgezeigt werden und zu sommerlichen Aktivitäten animieren.
Ich durfte bei der Gestaltung im Gestaltungsteam mitwirken. Ebenfalls durfte ich die Inserate für die dazugehörigen Sujets vorbereiten. Insgesamt wurden 23 Sujets erstellt.
EN For the Out of Home campaign of Galaxus we staged summer products and surprised with original articles such as fishing lures, glaze spoons, ketchup bottles and binoculars. With the selected products, which are not common, the range of products should be shown and encourage to summer activities.I was allowed to participate in the design team. I was also allowed to prepare the advertisements for the corresponding subjects. A total of 23 subjects were created.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
Ich durfte bei der Gestaltung im Gestaltungsteam mitwirken. Ebenfalls durfte ich die Inserate für die dazugehörigen Sujets vorbereiten. Insgesamt wurden 23 Sujets erstellt.
EN For the Out of Home campaign of Galaxus we staged summer products and surprised with original articles such as fishing lures, glaze spoons, ketchup bottles and binoculars. With the selected products, which are not common, the range of products should be shown and encourage to summer activities.I was allowed to participate in the design team. I was also allowed to prepare the advertisements for the corresponding subjects. A total of 23 subjects were created.
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
Digitec Retrokampagne
DE Für 20 Jahre Digitec durften wir eine Retrokampagne erstellen. Jeweils drei Produkte einer Produktkategorie wurden im Zuge der Jubiläumskampagne chronologisch so abgebildet, dass eine Produktentwicklung über die Zeit hinweg erkennbar ist. Ich durfte bei der Gestaltung sowie bei der Idee im Gestaltungsteam mitwirken. Ebenfalls durfte ich die Inserate für die dazugehörigen Sujets vorbereiten.
EN We were asked to create a retro campaign for Digitec's 20th anniversary. In the course of the anniversary campaign, three products of each product category were depicted chronologically in such a way that a product development over time is recognizable. I was allowed to participate in the design as well as the idea in the design team. I was also allowed to prepare the advertisements for the corresponding subjects
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
EN We were asked to create a retro campaign for Digitec's 20th anniversary. In the course of the anniversary campaign, three products of each product category were depicted chronologically in such a way that a product development over time is recognizable. I was allowed to participate in the design as well as the idea in the design team. I was also allowed to prepare the advertisements for the corresponding subjects
︎︎︎ Adobe After Effects
︎︎︎ Adobe Photoshop
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
100 Seiten Galaxus / 100 Pages Galaxus
DE Für Galaxus.de durfte ich ein Template erstellen, welches in Deutschland gedruckt und versendet wurde. Hier die Visualisierung meines erstellten Templates.
ENFor Galaxus.de I was allowed to create a template, which was printed and shipped in Germany. Here is the visualization of my created template.
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
ENFor Galaxus.de I was allowed to create a template, which was printed and shipped in Germany. Here is the visualization of my created template.
︎︎︎ Adobe InDesign
︎︎︎ Figma
Einige Animationen / Some animations